
Entry akora
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Antsoantso mafy, mety ho mari-pifaliana entina mihoby na midera, na ho mari-panesoana entina mandatsa na manebaka. [1.1]
Explanations in English Shouting, applause; a noise such as is made over a conquest, or in time of joy. See hoby, horaka. Foy ny akora (there is a burst of shouting) Velona ny akora (the shouting breaks out) [1.2]
 Shouting; jeers [1.7]
Explanations in French Acclamation; huées [1.8]

Entry akora
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy  [Tanala] Sifotra (an-tanety na an-drano) [1.78]
  [Bezanozano, Taifasy, Taimoro, Taisaka, Tambahoaka, Tanosy] Sifotra [1.78]
 Fonom-biby na fonon-javatra, fotsifotsy, mafy, mitovy toetra amin' ny sokay, izay miforona avy amin' ny zavatra mandrakotra ny biby ihany: Ny akoran' ny sifotra, na avy amin' ny zavatra haniny: Ny akoran' atody [1.1]
  [Sakalava] Sifotr' ala [1.1]
 Fonon'atody; fono mandrakotra ny sifotra [1.13]
Explanations in English A shell; a shell-fish. [1.2]
 Seashells; coral [1.7]
Explanations in French Coquillage; la coque des oeufs [1.8]
 Coque, coquille [1.13]

Entry akora
Part of speech noun
Explanations in Malagasy Vato na mineraly tsy voadio [1.13]
Explanations in French Minéraux [1.13]
Synonyms akorambato

Updated on 2023/08/11